Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Time for Family in Germany and Switzerland

Schwetzigen Castle
 On Sunday, Heidi''s cousin Ute, her husband Thorsten and son Leo came to Schwetzigen in the afternoon.  Together with Gundi and Florian we headed over to the castle of Schwetzigen which is most notable for its fully preserved Rocco style theatre and its Gardens. Madyson and I had the chance to visit the gardens on 2 occasions while staying with Gundi.  The school that she runs has the administrative office on the far side of the castle grounds from where they live, so she gets to walk through them on many occasions.  She tells us that she is also planning a big summer event in the garden under large cut trees that form arches along one side of the grounds.

Madyson and Gundi at the castle!
One very interesting fact about this particular castle was the intention of its elector owner to have on the grounds a representation of the different world religions.  This is a wonderful example of the muslim mosque.

Leo, Thorsten and Madyson under the stag

And now we say goodbye to Gundi and Florian!

The largest clock in all of Europe!

Our new hosts, the Kleibolds brought us to their home in the village of Wil, which lies nearly in the middle between the larger city of St. Galen and Zurich.  Our stay was to be for 2 nights but Madyson and I had so much fun on the long hike to the top of Chaserrugg, a 2262 m (7421 ft.), we decided to stay an extra night and thus also have a chance to got to Zurich to look at Elliot's passion, watches.  Something he shares with Thorsten!.  So, rather than bore you all with a lot of details, let me just share pictures with you.

"When I heard 1300 meters, I thought
 you meant feet"



"What a view!"

Looking back towards Zurich

"We Made It"

Tomorrow we are off to Wolfsburg
for our next match.

1 comment:

Navari Family said...

Elliott & Maddy,
Thank you for making this awesome blog. You guys have done a great job documenting your trip. Germany is beautiful and we wish that we were there with you both! Disappointing loss today for the US Women .... but we are sure they will rebound against Brazil. Keep posting. We will continue to check in with you guys. Safe travels.
The Navari Family